Pain Assessment & Pain Conditions Information
The information in this section provides family caregivers with knowledge in the form of “Fast Facts” (documents that provide a brief overview and details about a specific subject) about pain assessment, pain assessment tools used to determine the level of pain an older adult is experiencing and its impact on function. Details about specific types of pain include possible causes of the pain, information related to professional assessment of this type of pain, possible treatments, and what family caregivers can do to support their loved one with that type of pain.
How to Use this Section
The documents in this section of the website all provide a brief (1-2 page) overview of the topic and provide the caregiver with general information about each topic.
*New Video Resources*

Pain Management for Caregivers: What is Pain?
Learn what pain is and how it differs and affects individuals, including different sources and types of pain, highlighting that pain is an alarm with implications for mental health, quality of life, function, and relationship quality. It addresses the importance of understanding the source and meaning of pain, as well as recognizing the goals of the person in pain in developing a pain management plan.

Pain Management for Caregivers: How to Assess Pain
Learn how family caregivers can recognize and assess pain, document pain and responses to treatment, and communicate with health care providers about the pain of those they are caring for. Practical tools and tips to collect information that is important for treatment decisions are included, including the impact of pain on function and quality of life, as well as the effectiveness of treatment.
The videos are housed on the AARP website and were developed in partnership with Home Alone Alliance and Betty Moore Family Caregiving Institute.
Pain Assessment
Pain 101
- “Pain 101” provides a general overview of pain, types of pain, key components of a comprehensive pain assessment, pain management key points and suggestions on what a caregiver can do to assist a loved one with pain
One Minute Pain Assessment
- “One Minute Pain Assessment” describes a quick and easy assessment which a family caregiver can complete to assist in identifying pain in an older loved one who may be experiencing pain regardless of their mental or verbal ability.
Selected Pain Assessment Tools
- “Selected Pain Assessment Tools” provides an overview of common pain assessment tools used by clinicians to assess pain in older adults including: a verbal descriptor scale, a numeric rating scale, the FACES pain scale which provides pictures of faces that an individual can point to, to describe their pain and the PEG Scale that includes an assessment of pain, enjoyment, and general activity.
Family Caregiver Toolkit: Pain and Dementia
- This toolkit was designed by experts at Iowa and Weill Cornell Medicine to help family caregivers cope with the stress and challenges experienced while taking care of loved ones with pain and dementia. Inside, the toolkit provides training for individuals on how to identify pain in dementia and communicate key information to their family member's care providers.

Pain Conditions
The documents in this section provide an overview of specific types of pain. Each provides a general overview of that pain type, possible causes, common treatment interventions and what the caregiver can do to assist their loved one.
Abdominal Pain
- "Abdominal Pain" provides an overview of Conditions which case this type of pain, possible interventions and what else the older adults or family caregiver should do to assist with Abdominal pain.
*NEW* Bursitis
- "Bursitis" provides an overview of Bursitis, causes and types of bursitis, symptoms, and what else older adults or family caregivers should do to assist with Bursitis.
Cancer Pain
- "Cancel Pain" provides an overview of Cancer pain, common treatments, and what else the older adults or family caregiver should do to assist with Cancer pain.
Chest Pain
- "Chest Pain" provides an overview of chest pain including potential causes and what else the older adults or family caregiver should do to assist with chest pain.
Eye Pain
- "Eye Pain" provides an overview of normal changes in the aging eye, assessment for issues, possible interventions, and what else the older adults or family caregiver should do to assist with eye pain.
- "Fibromyalgia" provides an overview of what medical professionals assess, possible interventions, and what else the older adults or family caregiver should do to assist with pain related to fibromyalgia.
Foot Pain
- "Foot Pain" provides an overview of causes of foot pain, possible interventions, and what else the older adults or family caregiver should do to assist with foot pain.
*NEW* Gout
- "Fast Facts: Gout" provides an overview of gout, risk factors, and what else the older adults or family caregiver should do to assist with gout.
*NEW* Hand Pain
- "Hand Pain" provides an overview of hand pain, possible causes, treatment, and what else older adults or family caregivers should do to assist with hand pain.
*NEW* Hand Pain - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- "Hand Pain - Carpal Tunnel Syndrome" provides an overview of carpal tunnel syndrome, causes and symptoms, and what else older adults or family caregivers should do to assist with carpal tunnel syndrome.
Headache Pain
- "Headache Pain" provides an overview of types of headaches, red flag symptoms, assessment, and what else the older adults or family caregiver should do to assist with headache pain.
Joint Pain
- "Joint Pain" provides an overview of different types of joint pain, possible interventions, and what else the older adults or family caregiver should do to assist with joint pain.
Kidney Stones
- "Kidney Stones" provides an overview of possible causes of kidney stones, what the medical professional will assess, possible interventions, and what else the older adults or family caregiver should do to assist with kidney stone pain.
Lower Back Pain
- "Low Back Pain" provides an overview of possible cause of LBP, what medical professionals assess, possible interventions, and what else the older adults or family caregiver should do to assist with low back pain.
Migraine Pain
- "Migraine Pain" provides an overview of migraines, including the symptoms and impact, possible interventions and what else the older adults or family caregiver should do to assist with migraine pain.
Neuropathic Pain
- "Neuropathic Pain" provides an overview of different types of neuropathic pain, possible treatments, and what else the older adults or family caregiver should do to assist with neuropathic pain.
Oral Pain
- "Oral Pain" provides an overview of possible causes of oral pain, what medical professionals assess, possible interventions, and what else the older adults or family caregiver should do to assist with oral pain.
*NEW* Osteoarthritis
- "Osteoarthritis" provides an overview of osteoarthritis, including the symptoms and impact, possible interventions and what else the older adults or family caregiver should do to assist with osteoarthritis pain.
Pain After Surgery
- "Pain After Surgery" provides an overview of causes of "Pain After Surgery", possible interventions, and what else the older adults or family caregiver should do to assist with "Pain After Surgery".
Pain vs. Depression
- "Pain vs. Depression" provides an overview the symptoms of depression vs the symptoms of unmanaged pain and what else the older adults or family caregiver should do to assist.
Polymyalgia Rheumatica
- "Polymyalgia Rheumatica " provides an overview of Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PRM), the possible symptoms, possible interventions and what else the older adults or family caregiver should do to assist with PMR.
Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
- "Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)" provides an overview of RA pain, what medical professional assess, possible interventions, and what else the older adults or family caregiver should do to assist with RA pain.
- "Shingles" provides an overview of Shingles, including the symptoms and impact, possible interventions and what else the older adults or family caregiver should do to assist with Shingles pain.
Sinus Pain
- "Sinus Pain" provides an overview of causes of Sinus pain, possible interventions, and what else the older adults or family caregiver should do to assist with Sinus pain.
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
- "Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)" provides an overview of normal changes of aging and the increased risk of UIT, assessment, possible interventions, and what else the older adults or family caregiver should do to assist with UTI pain.
Webpage Last Revised 12.12.2023