Understanding Pain in Older Adults Presentation

These 5 narrated PowerPoint slide presentations were developed in 2013 by an internationally recognized geriatric nurse specializing in pain, Dr. Keela Herr, at the University of Iowa College of Nursing. The modules are approximately 30 minutes and address a variety of topics important to clinical/licensed staff and direct care workers caring for older adults in multiple settings. There were 6 modules in the original presentation, but only 5 are relevant to GeriatricPain.org, thus our list starts with Module 2.

Module 2: Understanding Pain in Older Adults: the Basics of Assessment

Module 3: Pain Assessment: Using Behavioral Screening Tools

Module 4: Pain Assessment: Advanced 1 (focuses on nurse’s role in pain assessment)

Module 5: Pain Assessment: Advanced 2 (focuses on nurse’s role, covering pain assessment in people with dementia particularly)

Module 6: Pain Communication for CNAs and other non-nursing staff (focuses on enhancing continuity of care through improving communication about pain among all staff)